10 year anniversary

The last Sunday in Advent 2020, Koldinghus Ordnen had its 10th anniversary. Of course we wanted to celebrate it, but unfortunately it was not possible due to the Covid-19 restrictions. We will celebrate it sometime in 2021 when we are vaccinated and can meet again. Our experiential cultural and humanitarian association, where humor and self-irony are praiseworthy qualities, has over the 10 years given more than 1600 member candidates a nice and enjoyable experience, in connection with their admission as new members. We 4 of the original 6 founders, Henrik Nøhr, Peder Pedersen, Viggo Schantz and Torben Juel Møller sent a greeting to Torsten Sørensen and Niels Jørgen Østergaard, just as we went up to the closed castle for photography.